Send your contact details in one click and instantly make a connection.


Text LINKME to 1-888-303-7166 to see how it works

Key Differentiators

Go Paperless. Embrace Digital.

Send your contact details in one click!

LinkFusions highly interactive digital business card can display your company logo, contact details, video, brochure, social profiles and s o much more!

Responsive across all devices - you won't ever need to print another business card again!

Make Your Brand Shine

Create a highly professional brand image that will get noticed!

Want to stand out from your competition? No matter how impressive a paper business card can be, it's no match for your Linkfusions digital business card. Not only are you bound to stand out, but contacts can view your contact and company information from anywhere at anytime from their smart phone, laptop or tablet.

Plus you'll always have an unlimited amount of business cards to your disposal  - that's the power of going digital!

Get Personal and Social

Share all or any of your personal, company and social information

LinkFusions allows you to have complete control over filling in only the information you want others to see. So, if you want to add only one social profile or 12+ that's your choice.

Really want to impress? Add a corporate video and tell your story!

With a super-simple interface to personalize and visualize your card as you create it - your card can be ready to share in under 5 minutes!


Top Features

  • Send your contact details instantly to anyone you want to in just in a few clicks
  • Details sent can be added directly to your contact's phone address book
  • Automatically add leads to your campaign and instantly follow-up
  • Add your contact info., logo, brochure, products, social profiles and more
  • Decide which fields you want to share digitally and which you want to hide
  • Clean design that displays in any browser or smart phone
  • Don't print another business card again!
  • ...and more!

Did You Know?

Your Digital Card Will Get You in the Door....

But now the real work begins.
Connecting with and following up with your leads to turn them into loyal clients. That's where you'll find abundant value in LinkFusions' complete marketing suite!


Monthly Networking Plans